Today the Geddes family, and the NAMBAS crew got an early Christmas present in the form of a solid blue marlin. Mark had hoped for an eating fish, and hadn’t expected to catch a marlin on the 4 hour charter he booked so when it came along he was a very happy man! It was his first marlin and first go in the chair but he did a great job getting the fish boat side in half an hour. The fish was brought on board and gifted to the two villages of Lelepa & Mangalilu for their community Christmas lunch tomorrow. As I was writing this post I just received a call from one of the chiefs of Lelepa thanking us on behalf of the whole community for the fish. It’s always nice to be able to give something back, especially at Christmas time! Laura MacLucas Lani Mantai Another nice fish for the Scott Crampton Hog!